If I describe my movements since Friday in any sort of detail you'd probably keel over and die of the boredom so here's a snapshot of things Paul and/or I have done in the last 5 days in no particular order. You can work out who did what;
- Built a flat-packed desk
- Cooked a steak
- Bought cushions
- Spent 1 hour and 45 minutes trying to park in Oxford
- Been to an assessment interview
- Been to Morning Prayer
- Built a flat-packed wardrobe
- Hosted a visit from Sazzle
- Contemplated Turner and Constable / grumbled about Bacon in the Tate Britain
- Stood in the Commons (physical not metaphorical standing)
- Drew a picture
- Browsed Church House Bookshop
- Drunk a glass of wine in the Bat and Ball
- Met an assortment of people and can't remember any of their names
It's an odd sort of feeling being here. Now we've arrived and are unpacked we have very little to do and it's sunk in with gravity how different life is going to be. Learning a new place is tiring. When you know a place you can drive anywhere without really thinking, you know the busy roads to avoid, the shortcuts. You know the layout of your local supermarket and where to find a cash point. And meeting new people is tiring too. You don't want to put on a face, but you know you have to act your best or else they'll start off with a bad impression.
It's not all bad. We went to London today and had a superb time, the best day out we've had in ages. Paul's the happiest I've seen him since I can remember. He felt that his initial assessment at the college went really well, and he's excited about the future and about being here.
We're going to a college coffee morning tomorrow, which should help us get to know some more people. And we have a visit from Mum and Dad next week, and visiting Kat, and hopefully visiting Ellie. Good things to come.
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