Friday, 30 December 2011

The Year That Was

Dear friends. I haven't published a Blog for 15 days now. I understand that this was bad and wrong of me and that I am a miserable sinner and probably ought to repent meekly kneeling upon my knees. However, I am making amends now. 

So, Christmas Day has come and gone and we're now in that bit between Christmas and Epiphany which is called *looks it up* oh ok, The Christmas Season, fair enough. I've had a lovely Christmas consisting of a significant amount of Toblerone, board games and things made out of Turkey, the usual really. It was great to spend some time with the fam. Presents-wise we've come off rather well, and not only do I now have a large collection of scriptural socks but also a remote control Mini Cooper and a 32" TV to replace our old one which was so microscopic you couldn't really see what was on it. The Diocese also gave me a rather generous voucher which I have spent on Common Worship: Times and Seasons and Common Worship: Christian Initiation with some money still left over!

And so it's the end of 2011. If 2011 were a clock it would be 11.52pm, if it were the alphabet it would be a definite Z day, if it were a year it would be the 30th December which is what it is. It's been an important year for Paul and I. When we started this year I hadn't met the Bishop or been to a BAP, I hadn't even set foot on the Holy Hill, I didn't even really know what a Cotta or a Credence Table or a Canticle were. (I'm not absolutely sure what one of those things are now, won't tell you which though!) More importantly, I wasn't exactly sure where my life was going. I think we're both a lot clearer now and, for now, things seem to be going pretty well.

And now I come out of 2011 into 2012 with my arms laden with several Common Worship books and a large TV. What does 2012 hold, I wonder?

One thing's for sure, 2012 is going to be even more eventful than 2011. How do I know? Oh, I just do...

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