Dear Arthur
Dear Arthur,
If I'm honest, I'm a bit jealous you were born in 2012. I mean, since when has a year been so eagerly anticipated? And what year is going to go down in history like this one? Even when you're an old man, mention "twenty twelve" to anyone, and they'll know what happened then. At least I like to think they will.
And, what's more, being born during those Summer weeks. It's really quite special.
2012. The year of the London Olympics and Paralmpics. But as the next generation lit those 204 petals on the night of Friday 27th July, we were awaiting a quite different next generation.
By the time of Team GB's first medal on July 29th, although we did not know it, you were on your way (and Daddy was on his way to London!) It was a time for pride, for patriotism, for sheer celebration of life.
But Monday 30th July 2012 at 3.10am stands out for me, although all Olympians would surely have been tucked up in bed.
2012. The Queen's Diamond Jubilee. And next year that family will celebrate a whole new generation. Around the time of year you were born, it would seem.
2012. The year the world lost some great people: Neil Armstrong. Clive Dunn. Patrick Moore. But were many great people born in 2012? We're yet to see. Will you be one of them? That's up to you.
It hasn't been an easy year. A year which started with me, 8 weeks pregnant, in bed and asleep on the stroke of Big Ben. I knew it would be a year of great highs. But I couldn't imagine the lows. March 15th and June 29th were to be the deepest of these. Not to mention the sea of uncertainty between October 13th and November 12th.
But I couldn't have imagined the highs either. No new parent can. That amazing journey of learning and loving in a relationship with a new person. Those first smiles. Seeing that personality develop.
What does 2013 hold? Funnily enough, those dark dates of March 15th and June 29th are already filled in on the calender. On March 15th we will be heading off to a weekend to spend time with other families of babies and toddlers with spina bifida at a Shine Charity weekend away. I've no doubt it will be a weekend of fun and laughter. It shows how far we've come. On June 29th I have the privilege of being bridesmaid at the wedding of Jen, a dear friend, your godmother. It will also be the eve of my ordination, taking all our lives in a whole new direction.
Anyway, sorry for the sickliness and the cliches. At least I didn't mention that 2012 was the year the Snowman and the Snowdog came out, otherwise I'd be whimpering. Oh, I just mentioned it.
Well, Happy New Year Arthur. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2013.
Mummy xxx
What a wiondeful post- I hope you keep it for Arthur to read. Happy 2013 to you all